Saturday 18 May 2024

Vintage inspiration

Good morning, time for our mid month inspiration post following Lynn's Vintage theme along with the usual Anything Goes option.

We also want to let you know that we are having a bit of a celebration in June, although the name changed along the way the challenge blog (and some of the DT) has been going for 15 years. So as a way of thanking our entrants, many who have been joining in since day one, we will have a bumper prize bundle. Please help us spread the word by sharing the logo above on your own blogs.

Here is our inspiration starting with Lynn who chose this months theme and our May Guest Designer Denise with another beautiful Vintage card

Taking a break


Craftyfield said...

Great Vintage cards!

Becca Sadler, owner and manager of HQCB and FQCB said...

Marvelous vintage with stamping design inspiration from the team!!!